I am the Darkness

I am the darkness within your heart

the darkness within, without

and everywhere.

I am the darkness found in the corner of your bedroom stair.

I am the darkness that watches...

when no one else seems to even care.

Within you, without you

and everywhere.

I am the darkness that cradles you in the night

upon my chest you cry

upon my breast, does your head lie

as sleep finally claims you

for during the night

you are never alone

I am all around you

my embrace, shall ever surround you.

Everywhere, anywhere

ever am I there.

I am the darkness

that changes your dreams to nightmare.

It is my breath upon your sleeping form

that causes you to whimper and moan

as the night terrors come to claim you.

At my touch

all things are undone

beginnings end

that have not yet begun.

In the end

all shall know me.

Some fear my approach

others welcome my chill embrace

yet to my call

everyone does race.

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Kris Hoffman's picture

Wow.Those last lines were heart-wrenching. The whole piece is just absolute wonderment. .entracing, mesmorizing, utterly captivating. Wonderfully written, beautifully unique