

You only have your position

from being born into the priveldge your parents earned.

You know nothing.

Can't even hear the facts presented to you, clear and concise.

So attack

An attack of anti-war war veteran.

You don't seem to understand or care.

Hold onto your platitudes.

When ABC, Fox, CNN and MSNBC all share the same view.

We ought to see but don't.

Warhawks run this country.

Gotta fucking kill, kill, kill, intervene

then leave everything worse than it was before.

A foreign policy so obscene.

You spout about humanitarian efforts 

yet when presented how the war effort has enabled slave trades by the vacuum left from toppled dictator

you don't give a shit.

You spout about how immigration is killing this country

yet when presented with the fact these people are fleeing from our sanctions, our bombs, the wake destuction we've left behind

you roll your eyes.

We spend fortunes toppling and proping up governments

yet have little money to take care of our own citizens.






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"Shame" and "You're Fired!"

The aristocracy of usa and western civilizations and eastern civilizations is the uber wealthy who control or own, well, everything. Tax anyone with over a billion dollars in assets. Give the money to the voters - talk about getting people to vote! Enforce transparency. What we have is organized crime posing as legitimate business conducted for the usa citizen. If the Trump crony's trials teach anything, corruption is rampant. - slc



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We the people

We should all stand together, point at them and yell, "Shame!"

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