Rant and return.

 I wonder if I am artificially intelligent? Maybe I'm not intelligent at all. What blends into you that makes you, You and if You are anything originally of you. A question proposed, I'm sure in smoke filled rooms by people brandishing words and reputations like finely honed blades. 

 The question has crawled up from the gnarly cess at the back of my mind for many years, without behest. I have applied reason, read and listened to others. I have forgotten it only to have the thought re-emerge. ughhh.

 I am de - Kant - ed I believe though these words in the end mean little.

 It fades some what and the matter ceases to irritate. Locking a door I also firmly shut the windows. Farewell and good night.

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I shall search for more from you. "de-kant-ed" nicly woven stream of sub-sub-conscious. Almost surreal - enjoyed the sharing - ~Lady A~