
She looks in the mirror

She tries to find herself

looking for a clue

she searches every drawer, every shelf

She tries to find out who she really is

she knows she's not complete

she knows that something is missing

but she can't find what she needs

She has asked her friends and family

but they are all lost for words

and if they say anything at all

she found that it only hurts

She has asked the sun and the moon

and even the stars as well

she has searced the heaven for answers

and she even searhed in hell

She always sits in silence

she tries to figure it out

who she is inside

she's always in doubt

I hope that one day she'll find what she's looking for

and finally find peace in mind

so she can move on with her life

and leave all of this insecurity behind

Author's Notes/Comments: 

sometimes I just feel that something is missing!

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Hey Angel
I really like this poem, I feel like this sometimes.
And it makes me feel lonely and depressed.