
Melissa is her name

Achieved hall of fame

Many publications she owns

Yet never a scribbler disowns

Her angles of view

Are never askew

Ask her to guide you

She always will do


Author's Notes/Comments: 

A tiny offering for an esteemed poet on this site palewingedpoetess.Sorry if it is slipshod. I wrote it instantly after reading her poem "Brother Bishu"

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I am going to post this on my page so I never lose it and everyone else can see it and enjoy its message. again thank you, M.

palewingedpoetess's picture

Oh how lovely thank you my dear brother bishu

I just caught this, I decided I'd run down through all the latest poems posted and Imagine my surprise. You Honor me thus! Anyone who cares enough to write me a poem I always am moved by. Leave it just as it is. It is perfect why you must ask,  because it comes from the heart and is honest in its lament. Think about it like this, which would move you more a card purchased from the local shop and mailed to you on your Birthday or one a person sat down and made themselves. I think you understand my reasoning now. So worry no more. I am delighted by your offering. It was wholly unexpected and that made it all the more sweet. sincerely your poetic peer and friend, Melissa

bishu's picture

A beeg Thank you Respected Madam M

A beeg Thank you Respected Sister M.Maybe in my next birth I'll be a true poet and write nicely.Till then spatterings of wanton words is all I can offer
