Felling Trees


Image result for a big tree being cut by the roadside

Felling Trees
Felling trees growing along the wayside for hundreds of years
Does it torment your waking hours? Does it invoke any fears?
The trees are wailing,screaming, weeping their innocent hearts
Humans sit in carbon footprint emitting coziness words he farts
Sprawling trees are a nuisance ---- breeding ground of insects
Those intellectual humans who know all stand happy prefects
The many birds and animals which used to take shelter under 
Now thirstily cawk and screech looking for some welcome shade
Friends Greenangels have been silenced soon they'll fade
In highrise concrete muck will future humans wade

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated and inspired by Mr Satyanarayan Mundchhina who lives in Kalahandi Odisha[India] and trying to make his place greener and thus creating awareness. Such people are indeed rare .He has received the  Prakruti bandhu Award from Kalahandi.. Congratulations Sir !!!! 

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To save the earth it will take an army of Greenangels dedicated to peace and less greed disguised as progress. - Stella