
Bern's Prose.



A new dawn shyly took its first look at this new world. A new world for the very young dawn, but ancient indeed for the other dawns long gone by. Each dawn had a story to tell and no two stories would ever have been the same. The tender rays of the shy Sunlight encouraged the dawn to discover all that was new those small flowers that the Sun gave a name to. The tiny daisies, the violets even the pretty little primroses all were shown by the Sun as if it, the Sun was responsible for each and every one of these tiny masterpieces. To make matter even more complicated birds, early on the wing interrupted the Suns discourse. This annoyed the Sun after all the Sun was in its own eyes the master of all that it saw.

Not being able to control itself the Sun became angry and large interruptions on its surface caused storms to flood the earth. The fresh young dawn now thought in its turn, that it the dawn had upset the Sun and ran off and hid.

The Sun now spent the rest of the day looking for the new dawn. It would have been sad but this was just show on the part of the Sun. The interest of the Sun in the new dawn was just that it was a new dawn. For the Sun although this took place every morning it still fascinated him. After all who gets to see fresh young beauty delivered daily as if as an offering to him the Sun, If you will a sacrifice, a daily sacrifice delivered day after day, month after month, year after year was this fresh young dawn an offering from the Gods? Was this a present for his own pleasure? The Sun had no idea what he could or should do with the dawn. The dawn was so intangible, nothing for the Sun to take in its heart or arms. the Sun was sadly missing a form of companionship. No sweet kisses to show its love indeed all the Sun was able to give to this fresh young thing delivered daily to its proverbial door was warmth and even with its warmth it was always under pressure not to overdo the heat. Slowly but surely the Sun and the dawn became objects for the various Shakespeare’s of this world. During the course of the day the Sun slowly forgot the dawn that was he was given as a present every day. He sadly neglected her and daily a dawn was sacrificed to an ignorant Sun. Perhaps I am being too hard on the Sun after all a being that was built to spend heat, which by the way it does so well can hardly cut down the heat it needs for the world just to court or even make love to the new dawn no matter how pretty, how sweet she is. Was this some spleen I wonder on the part of the makers of the universe, was this one’s way of getting ones own back on some slight, fancied or real? I do not know but I am also in a quandary whose side shall I be on, the fresh young Dawn or the grumpy old Sun that has or shows no real love for his daily fresh new playmate. I leave this question up to you my learned readers. Were the God’s wrong for delivering a new dawn every day or the Sun for giving in so easy after all Love is the strongest bond that exists in this world of ours. Or am I suffering under some kind of delusion? Bern.

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bishu's picture

Another Bernmasterpiece :)

Love is the strongest & strangest unseen bond that exists in this world and beyond !!!!!



bern's picture


Yes indeed Kind SIR. Love is the being and ending of all Bern.

bishu's picture

Never ever address me as "SIR" Please don't.......

.. it makes me feel smaller than my already small stature... Your kindness overwhelms me .... Please do call me either Bishu or Kolmate or Indimate or whatever pleases you but never "Sir" because I am actually no match for your stature or status..... ~Forever your Kolmates Bishu & family~
