None of my Business

Bern's Prose.

None of my Business.


How I hate being asked about other people. I am not my Brothers keeper. How does one make it clear to others that one wants to be left in peace? I am not responsible for others. It is none of my business what you or you or even you do, each of you is responsible for your actions. It is your mouth that you must keep under control.


If you like a drink that too is your responsibility, you must know when you have had enough and if you do drink until you are blotto, that too is your own affair. I have nothing whatsoever to do with it.


The same goes for eating, so you like those fatty foods that perhaps are much too sweet. It is your belly that will protest not mine. The same goes for those candy and chocolate goodies. Of course you like them, most people do, but no complaints to me it is none of my business. I am not your Doctor


Pets, all pets that you say you own, do you really own them? I think not. You have taken them in and given them a home that too is your own responsibility. Over feed them they will get fat and suffer from too much of your goodness. They cannot speak those Pets whether it is a cat, a dog, a rat or birds in cages. Have you left them for a day without water or food, it does happen you know. Who will tell you that your pet is thirsty or hungry?


What about children? Are your offspring good, well behaved at all times. Are you one of those Parents that continually complain? Of course things were different in the old days. Nothing remains the same not even the language that we speak. Every few days the young citizens of tomorrow come out with a new word or a word is used out of context. For example my wife and I were talking to some Young People that we know well. I happened to remark that I know for you young people we are the Oldies. No Uncle not Oldies, Grufties or in English open graves. This was not a surprise my wife and I are well over the age that many people are placed in the Family Grave in fact we both saw the funny side of it and had a good laugh.

Of course we could have taken offence at being called Grufties but they were young people and it was I that said we were oldies in the first place.


Even this piece of prose that I have written, I take no responsibility for it, after all I have not swung you to read this it is your own free will. I am just the scribbler Bern.




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Austromate !!!!!

...You made me really laugh out loud at this true true piece of "scribbling" ~Ever your wellwisher Indimate~</p>
