
Hope is the color white.
It's not like the pale, white room you left me in to decide your fate, white.
It's not like the memories being Cloroxed, white.
It is the white clouds of the heavens knowing my guardian angel is looking after me each day, white.

Despair is the color black.
It's not like the thing in your chest you call a heart, black.
It's not your smoke filled lungs, black.
It is the hole you left in my heart when I needed you most, black.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this when I was 14. My mom was in a coma and my siblings and I had to decide her fate. I was left with my father who didn't want me.

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justanotherscreename's picture


This is powerful. Very well especially at the age of 14. I got chills down my spine.

b4i8islept's picture


Sorry to hear about your Mom. I really like this poem. I can tell you wrote it with feeling.