Love Works

Love Works

To say you love someone is not enough

You have to prove it with works every day

Love takes actions not just words

I would show you every day

How much I love you if you’d let me

Love words come from the mind

Love deeds come from the heart

The combination of both is pure love

Grace and style comes from within your heart

I see it when I look at you and dive into your eyes

I love you are words to live by

Loving you are measures to be taken

I would not only die for your love

I would live for it every millisecond of every day

I would be your shield and your sword

My heart burns for you so much and for so long

My heart is now only a pile of ashes

But still it is not enough to just say it

I would show it in all ways for all time


To say I love you is not enough

You have to prove it with works every day

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You are to sweet

You are to sweet Lost :) I do have paperback versions on Have not made it to bookstores yet but I hope to one day :)