My Mask

My mask is in place but can

you see through it?

There are days where you seem

to be the only one who really

sees me under my mask.

I have had it in place for so

long that I don't know if it is

the real me or if it really is my

mask that I am showing the world.

Maybe I can take my mask off to

show you the real me like I have

wanted to but will you hurt me

like everyone else has?

My mask has been my protection

from those who have hurt me.

It shows them I am not affected

by them when in truth I feel as

if I am dying inside.

Can you see all that?

Can you see what my mask hides

from the rest of the world?

I wish you can though I do not

know why that is.

Maybe you make me feel like being

myself is okay and that everything

will be okay in the end.

Maybe you are giving me a strength

I haven't had in a very long time.

I don't know but my mask is slowly

cracking and I am almost ready to

take it off.

Will you help me with it?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

With everything I have gone through, I have always felt like I had to hide my feelings and put on a smile for the world to see.  It always seemed like it was the best thing for me to do.  Not many could tell that I was sad most of the time.  Over time, I got use to pretending.  Now, I don't know if I want to pretend anymore.

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grimfate's picture

Oh yes I like this poem, the mask itself has taken on life for you I totally get that. It's the has my mask become me or have I become the mask image you've totally mastered there with your words. I have two things to say depending. 1 is if this is how you feel truly you must destroy the mask and 2 is if these are just words to tell a story of pain you have totally cast the illusion, there for the mask is not real but still remains to hide the truth. Genius stuff, bravo.

this is not the end, this is not the begining of the end, this is merely the end of the begining.

susiemayee's picture

i have tears in my eyes.. this is really good<3

Just Smile :D