

Forget-me-nots dotted her back yard

A spiritual connection to me

Does she have them in her new yard?

She is far more beautiful than she realizes

Far more intelligent than she gives herself credit for

One of the few I believed to be a true Christian

She held me when I cried

Was a mother to me one I had none to comfort me

She believed I was like a daughter to her

But she aborted me

In a very raw way

She got rid of me due to my differing spiritual beliefs

Her own children by birth though I love them deeply

She is raising them to be bigots

Josie at 2 years old asking people

The very first thing she is asking

“Do you believe in Jesus?”

Not “hi” - not “what is your name?”

Josie at 4 telling me

“Why are you talking to me if you don’t believe in Jesus?”

She considers this evidence of her preschool children’s salvations

What do preschoolers need salvation from?

She says this is her children being a witness for Christ

It is a witness in a way but it pushes people away

Showing judgment instead of love

She is kinder to her old students

Opens her arms and heart more often

She is beautiful

She is deep and amazing and painful

She broke my heart

The closest thing I had to a normal nuclear American family

Turned their backs

As I questioned my spirituality

It is ok to question to doubt to learn, research

I miss her on days like this

How can I reach her with a wall around her

A wall of religion

She is a very kind person deep inside

She taught me so many important things

She was my escape for many years

She used to have forget-me-nots

To remember me

I put forget-me-nots in my hair when I got married to remember her

She used to have forget-me-nots

Does she still have them?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

About an Aunt of mine who once took me in when no one else would

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Truly amazing.