Anger-a rant, a tribute, soon to be deleted



Not that I ever called you that,

Though you wanted us to,

Because it made you feel more loved,

But we didn't love you,

And that is why you were just "Dad"


Remember the times you screamed and yelled and fought and hurt and kicked and punched and pushed and pulled mom's hair and held your fist up like you were gonna hit her and stared and stared with those eyes how you stared and you turned so red we thought you would burst and that vein in your forehead and you clenched your teeth and stood that stance like you were a badass and we ran and hid and cried and screamed and begged and pleaded and promised to be good and the apoligies all the i'm sorries and we prayed and hoped and tried so hard to make you love us and you pretended and mocked and thought we were stupid and less of a human being because we needed you to survive and we competed and plotted and fought and turned against each other and we hated oh how we hated and wanted to be free and then it all calmed down and we knew it was over i'll tell you i never cried at your funeral.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Whoah. take a deep breath after that one. i dont know where i was going with that one, it was supposed to be kind of an angry tribute, but it just got worse and worse as i went down the line. enjoy the rant while you still will definately be deleted soon.

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choirgrrl's picture

*Deep breath*

You know I love you, right? :)

Amber Nicholl's picture

Maybe it is a rant, but a good one.

Sometimes it's hard not to get carried away by your emotions.

I don't much like my Father myself.

Anyway, I liked the poem, or rant whichever you prefer.

Please stop in and check out mine.