
           I remember when I first realized
       the blessing having a sister is to my life~
    In a moment of laughter, understood implications,
         no need for words, or explanations,
        a glimpse back into the days & years
       of laughter shared, &, of course, tears
      & glances containing a thousand meanings,
              & secrets that opened up
                mysterious feelings,
              learning from each other
                  how to get along,
                 how to help each other
                 understand, be strong,
    even when miles & time tried to tear us apart
we carried each other in our thoughts, in our heart,
   & even now, almost 40, with homes full of love,
             freed from our yesterdays,
                blessed from above,
  I pray for a time we live closer to each other,
so we can share life, with our kids, & my other brother!
  & I take joy in the times we can connect again,
  because I love you & miss you, my sisterfriend~
                                    ~By Anastazia Rowe~
                                      Nov 7th, 2004 (1:05 am}
                                       Dedicated to Mary,
                                    thanking God with every
                                      rememberance of you~  

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Karyn Indursky's picture

Beautifully crafted piece of art. It makes me want a sister, but I am grateful for my brothers. It's sweet and refreshing to see someone who appreciates family members. Stay strong and loving because the world is a cold place to live isolated with misery.