cheering at your backside

cheering at your back side

cause i know this is a perfect time

when you throw ball at your practice time

we there too for you

so how we forget this time

in the basketball court

you standing at right there

find someone right front of you

but forget to turn back

and i'm right behind you

you thought no one there for you

i can see the tension in your forhead

the ball of your eye round everywhere

and i can see your back smile on us

to cheering you at that day

cause i can do this only for you

i'm not strong as rock

but not gonna melt easily

but for you i'm work sometimes as rock

sometimes as metal

i know about that time when you need

someone at your side

cause all this happen with me too

but nobody there for me

cheering at your back side


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this poem for all my friends to tell them i'll be there for them just need to call me. i explain it through an example

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