Well Wishing (NOT A POEM)

In this season of exams, stress, and hard work. I would like to remind everyone out there young and old of one thing: you are not defined by your grades, your job, or your salary.

Despite what the world would like you to think, you are more than a number, you are an amazing consciousness built into a network of your fellow humans, to keep the 'machine' running, we must strive to help and protect one another, and never give up! Because to grow the most beautiful flowers, you need a little rain.

- Jack

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Sorcerers.Apprentice.'s picture

Well aren't you just

Well aren't you just friendly!? :)


allets's picture


  • To adhered to a different standard of greatness. A more inclusive definition. Don't tell the 1% of the people who own 90% of the nation's wealth. ; ) 



AkulaTHEPoet's picture


And the remaining 9%? ;)

Спасибо! Я благодарю!