The Storm Haiku

Author's Notes/Comments: 

WPOM Poetry Prompt 16 NaPoMo 

write a haiku about a storm

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Author's Notes/Comments: 

WPOM NaPoMo Poetry prompt 15

write a villanelle

19 line poem consisting of five tercets or three lines and one quatrain or four lines with repeating lines...very complicated...had to look at an example to see where the first and last lines repeated...the sample I saw had eight syllables per line so that is how I did mine...guessing that is part of the requirement but I could be wrong as I have no knowledge of this form before now...lots of work not fun for me...

Life Story

Author's Notes/Comments: 

#WPOM #Poetry #Prompt 14 #NaPoMo

you found your life story in a public library would you read it from cover to cover or leave it a mystery

Armchair Advice

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Day 13 - Poetry Prompt (WPOM National Poetry Month 2016)

write a poem as if you were a public chair


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