# addiction # love #learninlove # life # truth # joy # happiness # beauty # beast # peace # music # soul # body # mind #emotions # awe # poetry # heart # humanity # words


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Something small for me not posting any poems the past few months! enjoy!

Normal Drugs

Fun/Free time
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Thankyou allets for the comment ^^ that brightened my day

Peace, a word that you should never forget!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Strive for peace and equality for all! Don't support hate in any way or form and remember that there is always another way. Go out of your way to find the path and never go astray. Follow it through, as it shall guide you and you too will see this world in a new light, not darkness. Don't let them suck you in on the hate train, its their way and they don't give two fuck about you or me. The way of the machine is always darker, ignorance at its very best.