
My Quote

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Because of this quote, the girls may start to dislike me a bit! So, I humbly request the girls to read these following lines first before reading the quote- 


I honestly respect the womankind. In the quote, I didn't try to present the husband as a 2nd father. The quote doesn't say anything about controlling the wife either! Instead, I tried to portray the husband as a well-wisher and protector who would ever think about his wife's safety. Unfortunately, if the husband tells her wife something logical in a dominant manner, then the wife becomes egoistic and reacts. But, instead of reacting, if she quietly and positively ponders about the real intention of her husband, then she will realise that he is telling her all these only because he loves her and wants to take care of her. Even the wife has the freedom to rebuke the husband if necessary! For example, if the husband is drunk, if he is an irresponsible father and so on. If the husband says something logical, the wife should accept it with an open heart and the husband should also do likewise. So, it all depends on how you view the mentioned quote- either positively or negatively! I hope you [both males and females] consider it in a positive manner! 

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My Quote

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My Quote

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