
Memories Fade

Author's Notes/Comments: 

be positive, aewsome, yeah

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Stepping Up

Author's Notes/Comments: 

come on Arsenal


Author's Notes/Comments: 

here ends the web


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Reedited 06.26.2019 (for an incorrect use of a preposition in "on the process" & since have changed it to "in the process"):  


I wrote a free verse poem approximately on (possibly around the afternoon or dusk, or even in the evening hrs.) This was posted on my Twitter account on the 10th of the same month.  Its working title was changed from "Shoelace" to "Shoestrings" in the process.  Pls. kindly bear w/ it, as 'tis also an affected poem. 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

i can change :) or i will die trying :-) love having no options ;-)


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looking for a hero

Desperately seeking for …

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the magic pill is around here somewhere :-)

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Zeroes and Ones

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"the digital won't let me go" :-) - gorillaz

Paradigm Shift

Author's Notes/Comments: 

will to change