Reaching Out

As the world around you,
Falls to pieces,
I reach out,
Trying to save,
Trying to help,
Hoping it will,
But as the world,
Around me,
Begins to tremble,
And the foundations,
Of my life begin,
To shake,
Then to crumble,
Finally to collapse,
I'm left falling,
Through a sea,
A sea of hurt,
A sea of pain,
A sea of misery,
And I cannot find,
Your hand there,
To help and guide,
To lift me out,
And save me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This isn't about you (You know who you are). I was in a foul mood when I wrought this. I feel as if whatever I do to help people goes for nought. When I need help people turn, but when they fall I help them up.......... The world truly has begun to end.............

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