The Ball and Chain

2005 - 2006

I need to sleep on this for a while

Just don’t shame me for not understanding

The reason why I am the only one here trying

I know it’s hard opening up... completely

I know it’s hard shutting the door... tightly

But for God’s sake could you try

Meet me where you cast your thoughts

Somewhere cold, somewhere dark

Somewhere where I can be myself around you

Somewhere where I don't have to explain my feelings

Somewhere where I can sleep the day away

And not have to worry about if this is love

I am outside of the bottle I was built in

Cork securely impaled in the neck to keep me out

I find myself vainly searching for a way within

And though time gets thin, the barrier does not

I’ve found myself to be happiest in moments like these

Days spent in an apathetic and self-absorbed haze

Thought all I had to do was to flip the switch to change

Didn’t know no one could save a sinking ship

Drowning by it’s own ball and chain

I am the anchor, I am the chain

I am outside of the bottle I was built in

Cork securely impaled in the neck to keep me out

I find myself vainly searching for a way within

And though time gets thin, the barrier does not

Please cast your line and reel me in

And though I may not be at the bottom of this trench

I am outside of the bottle I was built in

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