Our Time

My Thoughts

We don't see each other eye to eye

We don't even give the other a chance

I just wish we could see past this haze

Pull our heads out of the clouds and seize the day

Are we just wasting each others time?

I don't think I've ever said this before

I don't even think I've ever really said how I feel

Tell me will I ever break this muted voice

You know I'd jump at the chance but it's not my choice

Am I just wasting my time?

You don't ever open yourself up to me

You don't even show me the dreams you hold

But I know that if you could only express them

I know you'd speak and I'd give you a soap box to stand

Are you just wasting you're time?

People don't ever give what's in their heads

People don't even shed the words on their tongues

And if we'd all just give them all a chance to heal

This life we're all living just might not be a rolling wheel

Are people just wasting their time?

Friends don't ever turn away in moments of need

Friends don't even give an excuse when one's shoulder is wet

And if it weren't for the ones who stick by our sides

Who can somehow always make us love, laugh, and cry anytime

For friends I thank for giving me their time

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