Straight Alone

My Thoughts

I seem to walk straight alone

You seem to say you hate the tone

But I only speak about what matters to me

And to you that seems to shatter the image of me

And although we don't understand each other

It seems now we don't even pretend to bother

We throw way all the memories we've made

And now like the sorest of enemies we've became

We're not the people we once were at the start

It's a typical story of how two friends begin to part

And in my head I still think of you as the same

Back before we let pride speak against the others name

And somewhere inside I hold on to hope for tomorrow

That with a new day I'll find a way to cope with my sorrow

I believe that in the end we will be better than before

Because of the hard times we will have strenghtened our core

But for right now I walk straight alone

Until the day you don't hate the tone

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