The Brunette

My Thoughts

The brunette tries her best

To keep the world at her finger tips

But those who mean the most

Are pushed away from getting too close

But those who mean the most

Are pushed aside behind closed doors

As the new year finds her older

The loss of her friend made the world grow colder

Did the friendship really matter

When nothing she does seems to make it better

Did the friendship really matter

When the time spent together makes her only grow madder

Covering her body with vinilla and lavander

She's setting the mood for the day love will find her

If she holds on time will bring her a lover

To take away her doubt and pull back her covers

If she holds on time will bring her a lover

To give her the strength to know no one's above her

She bites her tongue holding her words

Not telling her feelings only increases the hurt

If she let it all out things would change

Maybe her upside down world would rearrange

If she let it all out things would change

Maybe she doesn't know love shouldn't bring pain

So she puts on a smile frozen in the frame

For a moment in time everyone's all the same

She's built the bridges but they always burn

Cause the love she gives she never finds in return

She's built the bridgs but they always burn

Cause love's not around it's just something she's learned

The brunette tries her best

To give the love inside her chest

I hope she knows that someday it'll come

As long as she takes a break from her steady run

I hope she knows that someday it'll come

As long as she knows she's not the only one

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