So High

Everything in between is just fine by me

It's a strange type of energy

That pushes and pulls me through this life

It's a hazy grey between black and white

It's a played out reason of where or why

It's this strange type of life

That gets me so high

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so damn high

It's not right

The crystal clear vision is so far away

The night life becomes the day

Another day for me to be someone new

I'm never quite the same person on day two

I've never liked a day the whole way through

The night life determines the day

The old me fades away

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so damn high

It's not right

My head's in the clouds

Where you always hide from me

Where we always go to see

Tomorrow and who I'll be

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so damn high

It shouldn't be right

I'm so high

I'm so high

I'm so very damn high

Something can't be right

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