we're just smoking sitars at the beach.
my, you have incredible reach!
i'll sleep next to broadway heights maps to collapse
into all the other scabs.
can i take a raincheck on hating a headache?
you'll take that medicine or ask Thomas Edison
how he created machines like electric kite
with all his might.
fracture head piece
manufactured crackers collapse
with no negative new orthopedic surgeon machines
that's right, remember me?
i was at the seventh seal when you imagined i was real.
LPs put on discs like data on tape
play by playback, then just erase
rewind, because then you'll find the flaws easier this time
then last, it'll all come to pass
go to the orthodontist.
you'll wound llamas at the hospice.
i'm going to chop off ur arm!
time tables. mime fables told to hold cables.
the room becomes a jail cell.