
The last time I saw _________
I barley saw her.
She was more of a silhouette, rather than a person.

I arrived (partially)
but she was already gone.
We stumbled into meeting;
the smell of pot, vodka, rum--
filling the hazy void that separated us.
Perpetual gleam filled our eyes--
artificial and genuine.
Substance brought us together.
I adopted her carefree lifestyle.
It took me away
with each crashing wave,
each pulse of carelessness
through my summer-sun baked veins.
Our hair was lets down
Our vision was indistinct
Our speech was meshed
The last time I saw _________
I was filled with euphoria,
I was out of my mind
in a world of one in the same,
where waves crashed,
drinks were poured,
smoke was inhaled.
That, was the last time I saw _________

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