Silence is the darkness of a tortured soul
Laughter is the brightness that it unfolds
Scars are deep … as deep as the night
the treacherous screams…as the demons take flight
memories of love fades away
happiness no more be born this day
dark and gloomy the spirits seek
the hollowness of the soul they keep
roaming the earth in troubled gloom
hiding away in a tear filled tomb
the rays of the sun won’t warm his doom
this life he lives….
will be forever his darkest

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on October 24, 2000. It can be related to many things in ones life ... drug/alcohol abuse for one ... if I were to "paint" a picture it would be of a person cowering in a dark corner of an alley way or even a tomb in a cemetery... let me know how this relates to you?

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