a simple yes

staring into the tunnel...

a grey, endless void...

geometric, stagnant patterns...

suddenly the vortex awakens

and i am immersed in a

swirling, cacophonous kaleidoscope

of light and darkness,

community and solitude,

chaos and serenity.

letting down the guard,

shattering the walls of the dam,

allowing the breathtaking,

exhilarating experience

to flow forth in all its glory

submitting to the incessant compulsion to smile.

denying the inherent inclination

to resist change,

to fight to force the Unknown

into the realm of the concrete.

Yes, what a sublime manipulation

Subtle and breathtakingly profound

simple, yet inexplicably complex

an affirmation of all things positive.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

(Sept. '07) what a night..i love drum circles

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