Once apon a Life

Once apon a life,
I was a beautiful living soul.
But, I was killed,
Bit by bit til I was no more.
When he'd see me,
He would cut me.
Not physically...
But mentially, emotionally!
I soon learned to live with the pain.
The pain of knowing I'm no good.
As I grew older,
His words seemed not to hurt as bad.
I think he must have noticed....
For when his words didn't shake me with fear,
Or cause me any pain,
He begain to change.
Soon, he did more than just speak.
He begain to hurt me,
And if that didn't work,
He'd go for my little brother,
For he knew I'd give everything to keep him safe.

One night,
He was drinking,
And his words had no effect on me.
So he started going after my little brother.
I couldn't handle it anymore,
I just lost control for a second.
What I did was nothing compared to his actions.
I refused to do as he said,
And when he'd move for Bub,
I'd pull his attention back to me.
Saving Bub and giving myself up.

I suppose that night he finally had enough of me,
Or at least enough of my flaws and addituded.
The next thing I know, there is screaming and I'm being sent to a room.
A room that I never made it to...

Halfway down the hall,
Someone started to run.
Then a force hit me,
And I was down on the grownd.
A massive fist slammed into the side of my head,
With every hit my eyes blured,
From both the tears and the pain.
Suddenly, I was floating above the ground.
Being dangled by his hands,
As though I was nothing,
Which to him, was exactly the truth.

Smacked square into the wall,
My body throbs with pain,
As I struggle to breath and focus.
He is yelling in my face,
Or at least I believe it is him,
For I am unable to see clearly.
He slams his forehead into mine,
The force was the last my small skull could take.

I am thrown into a world of black,
As I feel my body hit the ground,
It's the last thing I feel.
Suddenly I am looking down apon myself,
There I lay,
As he yells and screams.
It doesn't take him long to realize what's he's done.
He has made me what he's always seen me to be,
Nothing more than a lifeless body.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

On Oct. 31, 2009, I was physically assulted by my father. I was lucky that I this wasn't really my fate, but too many children are faced and must deal with these things.

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