Rumsfeld.. Has Rum Fled?

Junta's Money

Donald Rumsfeld

.. from a military rum field..

but when he had a chance

this chickenhawk from battle fled

Rush Limbaugh..

from the battle rushing

to the safety of his Michael Eisner

protected studios

George Bush..


yet sending other men

and women to their deaths..

if he lived at the time of the

Civil War.. Lincoln would have had

him hanged

Dick Cheney..

5 times asking for a deferment

.. encouraging his wife to

join the board of Lockheed

Martin.. biggest weapons merchant

in the world..

.. those who profiteer from guns

do not like the bloody smell of battle

George Will

for battle had no will

.. a chickenhawk supreme

Condoleeza Rice.. henhawk..

Hillary Clinton.. henhawk

Love is the universal solvent..

Father Mother God help all to see the unripe

  love in these men.. and women..

Remove the anger which bullies cause to arise in me..

help me not to judge.. not to have hard and fast opinions..

to see all as You see all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The New Hampshire
Gazette at
has a list of chickenhawks.. those who
send the poor
and the powerless
into battles from which
they themselves run

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