Experience God's Loving Grace

God's Sovereignty

I grew up believing I was a Christian, but I did not know The Lord,

For the first thirty years of my life, His Word was totally ignored.

Attending church I was led to believe I lived in a Christian nation,

But personally I never heard of Grace or even understood Salvation.

Living in such spiritual ignorance, my life at times was a disgrace.

However, The Lord used my lovely wife to help me seek His face.

Through her gentle witness The Lord brought me to a time and place,

Where The Spirit opened my heart to experience God's loving Grace.

It wasn't enough to know about God believing that He was always near,

For even the demons believe in God and they shudder with holy fear.

Things became clear when God gave me eyes to see and ears to hear,

That He's not only my God who's near but a friend who's so very dear.

Now I no longer ignore His Word, and He's with me throughout my day,

Christ leads me with The Spirit of God down His Glorious Narrow Way.

And anytime day or night should my heart become filled with dismay,

The Spirit leads me to God's Throne of Grace and even helps me pray.

My friend, my life is so much richer now that I truly know the Lord,

And as I grow in The Lord, my love for God's Word grows even more.

Friend if you read His Word and you'll understand why it has endured,

It's not simply a book by men but God's Word that's certain and sure.

(Copyright ©05/2003)

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