back when i met you

sometimes i think that if you would of gave me a chance to show you how i really feel, my life would of been close to perfect,
but now i have nothing but to write and take out the pain that's left,
i don't mind writing all my feelings on a peace of paper, or even on a computer site,
but i would of prefer telling you all this face to face, and have you right by my side,
sometimes i think of back when i met you, back when i fell for you,
us laughing and sharing answers on a test, wasn't the best thing, but we found it funny, since we called us a team,
the teacher would always tell us to shut up, and pay attention to him,
i remember we would shut up for a minute, and the next one was just for you and me,
i remember the day i got mad at you, you were always trying to get me to not be,
the truth is i was never mad, because mad at you i could never be,
you tried so hard to make me smile at you, and for me to talk to you,
and when i said "okay i forgive you bonita" you gave me a hug so tight and sweet,
those hugs you gave me meant the world, the universe and much more,
and time after time, id always find and excuse to get one more,
remembering all this this break my heart, brings tears to my eyes, but im happy i got to share all this things with you,
and have something great to remember about you,
how can i not remember so much about you, you gave me the best semester by sharing your life with me, and me with you....

for you...A.W.

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