For worse

I dreamt of you every night since last spring.

I find myself shaping hearts from quote papers in Seminary.

Whenever my mind wanders, you're the first one it meets.

Everything seems to lead to something I can say about you.

And I've realized that I don't long for the new you.

The new you has changed too much.

No longer seem to be veering off the path you once were so determined to remain on.


I want the old you.

The one I dream about is still the one from the spring.

I see you and I can't help but want you to hold me.

Hoping you'd change back.

But it's been a known fact that males lack the ability to 'change' as females want them to.

And I don't blame you.

It's not your fault...not really.

It's not your fault you can't go back to the way you used to be.

But it is your fault you've become the way you are.

And I'm interested to see the sorts of girls you attract.

What sort of girls you bring home.

And how your parents will smile.

Or maybe they'll frown.

Only time will tell.

Only you have the choice.

Only you can do "what's right".

But what is right?

No one knows.

We linger in the darkness, clinging to a rod.

When we see something glinting in the distance

We let go in hopes we can find our way back.

Life is so boring.

So we seek those things that glimmer.

Unknowing if they're good or bad.

But the problem is...

Most of us can't make our way back to the rod.

I find myself seeking help from those most unexpected.

Taking advice from those I'd normally not listen to.

Just to try and forget you.

I want to forget you.

You were just a highschool fling.


That's what you said.

So I'll say it too.

Admit it.

You don't want to know me anymore.

You'd be better off not even knowing my name.

I know you.

You'll bring other girls around.

When I'm around.

When we see eachother, you'll always have a new girl on your arm.

Just to spite me.

Just to make me feel bad.

I know you.

And that's what you'll do.

The old you wouldn't have.

But the new you will.

So that's why I can just shake my head.

And think

I'm glad you're not the one I love anymore...

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