Penrose's Perspectives

The self of me that I ought to be,

Was not taught to me.

Thus I sought to be

What I did commonly see

Without properly learning it for me


Where lies the medium between flippancy and emotional foreclosure?

Think me a romanticist of emotions exaggerated,

But consider me a skeptic.

The self is a Penrose to ourselves alone.

Impossibility in understanding is inevitable, right?

But a second opinion, one after the other.

Holds beauty in its act.


I believe to adequate yourself for another's purpose,

Is to not be in knowledge of yourself, 

But to accept that you never will be. 

Requesting assistance, and lending your hand,

Sheds light into the darkest of chasms.

Think it not apprehensive to hold apprehensions,

But sane to desire her help.

Fight ill with good will

In borrowing from another.


To justify you in your head,

Is a harmful act,

But acceptance of this burden with another,

Ensures a doomed pact.

Perhaps that is how coexistence is affection

is achieved.


I do not know.

We will wait and see.

I have hit a limit of understanding in empiricism.

Let me sacrifice myself so you may better understand.

Perhaps I will get back to you.

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