Thank You

This is a little something to say thanx to all those who supported,

Sticking behind me when my poetry was almost aborted.

Thank you all so much- I appreciate the love,

This is for you- The things I was thinking of.

To my poetic brother or as he said- Partner in Rhyme,

You stuck behind me fam- Even through my worst times.

Reading your work- Forced me to another level,

You really don't deserve the bad hand that life has dealt you.

From the first poem you read when my life was still together,

To the last poem I will ever write- We'll be poetic brothers forever.

This is my thanx to you- For you have supported me the whole time,

Thanx dawg, for real- And the next collabo might be "Partners in Rhyme"

To my boy Damien- Ex co-worker of mine,

Dude's been pushing me forever- Since he read his very first line.

"Mike, dawg. This is something special"- That's the words he said,

I didn't take it real serious- But eventually he got in my head.

Now look at where I'm at- Poetry is my life,

Seems he sees things ahead of time- Oh and dawg, you were right.

You can say "I told you so"- Cuz it looks like I was wrong,

Argued with you repeatedly- But yo, Candace is gone.

But thanx for the love dawg- That you have shown me the past year,

And I promise if I make it big- You gonna be right here.

To Candace, my baby- Even though we don't really speak,

Thank you sweety for the love- For always believing in me.

You said that I'd be great- If I just applied myself,

Well I'm doing it girl, I'm trying- Thank you for your help.

You'll always be in my heart- Even if we never speak again,

Because if it wasn't for you- Then I may have already abandoned my pen.

You'll always be my baby- And I will always love you,

But thanx for never losing hope- No one will ever be above you.

You showed me love in different ways- Brought out the best in me,

Now because of you- I can paint a picture for the world to see.

Thank you girl- I love you for that.

And to Lea, girl- You've been here for my past,

You've helped me through everything- That's why I put you last.

Since the breakup with your friend- Through the depression I went threw,

If I ever needed a helping hand- I could always count on you.

I love you girl, for real- From the bottom of my heart,

You've always been my biggest fan- You've been here from the start.

From "What's Missing?" until now- You've always had my back,

And I thank you a million times- Nothing could ever replace that.

There's a lot of names I didn't say- The list would be too long,

But I genuinely thank anyone that has ever read my poems.

Yvette, Rachel, Mr.Scarff and Ms.McClary,

Candace Williams, Ms.Hopkins- Thank you for clearing my sight when the vision got blurry.

My parents don't really know- About this thing that I do,

But if you ever so happen to read this- I thank you both too.

To my brother- Yo, I know you know about this,

You've changed on me though- You're not the person I used to know.

I still send you love- Because I appreciate what you've done,

If I have ever had a role model- You'd have to have been the one.

To anyone else that's read- And I left your name out,

I'm sorry- But thank you too- You're what this is all about.

Thank you all for the love and support. It is truly appreciated.

Michael C. Lucas

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is just something to say thanx to anyone that has read or will ever read any of my work. It is truly appreciated.

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