Ur in big trouble, mister

I was feeling well doing fine

When I saw this headline 

Right on top of the page

Put me in a state of rage

'Airman Who Leaked Files Is Indicted on Charges of Mishandling Secrets'




This story really grinds my gears!

I've calmed down now, had a few beers

I'm still a little vexed

When I think about the man named Teixeira

To be honest, I don't care, uh

How you pronounce it 

I'd like to kick the xit out of him

For, uh..he share..uh

Information that's classified 

Files that if end up in the wrong hands

Could put peoples lives in danger

This jerk is no stranger to this kind of stuff

We must say now enough's enough!

This 21 year old punk

Has really put me in a funk

I'd really love to tell Jack off

And if it's not too hard

Even if it is hard

Just whack it off!




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