Rhythmic Thoughts (viii/xii/mmv)


.....trying to have a good time...but there's shit lurking in the back of my mind...i don't like having feelings of uncertainty...i don't like the uneasiness that lies deep within me...i am in love...that i know is true...i know what i want in life...and what i have to do...i am doing the most with what i have, where i am, as i can, right now...with my higher goals always in mind...and always doing the most i can to accomplish them within my timeline...I want to live someplace secure...I want to live in a place I feel safe...my love makes me feel safe and secure...why can't i just know where i stand in this relationship of ours...why can't you just stop being so damn cold...every time you have shit goin through your skull...makin me rack my brain...slowly driving me insane...because I think that I am the cause of all this...that I am the one who needs this all to make sense...why cant you just talk to me...one on one...like the days when we first met...like the way you always told me you would want us to interact...like the way you told me that communication is key...and that we need to be open with one another...or else we will cease to be...together...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 8.12.05

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