Yet [*/+/^] : Verses From Myself, 2017, To Myself, 1976

The ancient poets could only presume

upon a happy reader's memory

to keep the courses of his poetry;

or else more permanent memorial

like unto awkward Vergil's massive tomb;

for only such structure seemed to cope

with that age's depressing lack of hope.

But take this comfort into your young soul:

I know Whom you will have believed, in time;

and knowing Him, I know, also, that He

will keep what you entrust to Him, to be

safe and preserved throughout eternity.

And fret not that you have not yet found rhyme

(I know the kind of worrier you are).

Saved and redeemed; called to write these poems,

now, and also in our eternal home's

venue. there to offer praise and jubilation

(freed from this ruined world's sin and sure damnation)

for the Joy of Common Salvation,

which is and shall always be my soul's chiefest exultation

among the redeemed of the great congregation


lit by the Bright and Morning Star;

to which I bear witness in poetry

that praises Christ our Lord eternally.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The penultimate stanza alludes to Jude 3, and Psalm 35:9 and 18.  The final stanza alludes to Revelation 22:16 (my foremost favorite verse in the entire Bible), along with Romans 10:13, Psalms 113:2 abd 118:5, and Habakkuk 3:18.


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