Lady Killer

heart beat

echo of foot steps

made on the hard street

circles and circles

looking for a place

warm thoughts sink

swirling into gutters

a pause before

the steps continue

visualizing the map

that leads to nowhere

prints made

washed away in the rain

no back tracking

like Alice in Wonderland

only she could wake up

the city is no place for a lady

they hide in dark corners

walking in the down pour

no one knows the truth

we only know where we've been

and we have deep pockets

to hide our own claws

feigning that bright eyed innocence

of our fore-mothers

tear washed

wet washed

our faces dripping

like melting clowns

pretending to be cleansed

but we hide in shame

under floral umbrellas

we watch our feet

and dont know where they lead

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