take another little piece apathy you know you wanna

put myself on the chopping bock again.

More bits of me missing.

Wish i could find them 

None of them worth the pain of separation

I dont know why i keep doing it

Some insane notion of hope maybe?

that there is more than all there is?

And to what effect? 

more to lose in the name of love?

flesh for fantasy.

If only love Could trade in this fashion

And love would wear all its poetic badges

Colours and soft warm kisses 

Fire and deep passion

no. Just a land of emotional confusion

Where going only leads to coming back 

And going back eventually leads to more pain 

I let cut more bits away 

trying to fit in the tiny shape of a perfect idea 

I forget to feel. 

I forget to think.

Im nowhere near close to understanding

Is this love that im feeling? 

Os this the love i've been searching for? 

Will i know when all my bits are gone? 

Or is a piece of me left

enough to prove?

I hope I'll know soon,

Theres not too much of who i used to be left.



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