I dont wanna feel ugly anymore...

I don't want to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror just to find another revolting reflection.
I don't want to have to change seven times because I look unattractive in half my clothes.
I don't want to be afraid to wear a bikini anymore.
I don't want to worry about id I ran out of make up because if I didn't wear it I would look discusting ..
I don't want to feel the need to constantly look in a mirror, not out of vain but to make sure that I look at least half decent and not ugly like I know I am
I don't want to question if i should eat that day or not because it might help me drop a point
I want to feel beautiful
I want to be naturally attractive and have a gorgeous body
I want to wake up and feel confident that i am pretty

I hate having this body, but i hate having this low self confidence even more

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