The Last Jest

So many pieces of paper scattered.

Where should the beginning end?

So many versions of me.

Which one will you see?

Haven't decided on dinner

But I know it will be undercooked;

Diseased with parasites and vermin.

All for you and this eternal date.

You knocked on my door late.

It's alright I'm not worth the time.

Your shirt was red and so was mine.

We measured our minds by out bruises.

We danced the tango and I tripped.

Stubbed my toe and fell into you.

You let me fall and smiled.

I was so happy to bleed for you.

Broken toe and swollen lips,

You strangled me with French tips.

I said I loved you tender touch

As my last breath blew you away.

I was only me until the end.

You were beast and its burden

Which I served so diligently.

I was the joker and this is my last jest.

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