As Old As Change

November 2012

To her i'm a random text, to me she's like none other,

together then apart, now it's too hard to recover,

when did you start acting like every other?

skipping the reading, only judging by the cover,


using an excuse as old as change,

you must be the President, doesn't eveyone change?

is it strange that i wanted to change with you?

only wanted whatever we could, now i try to dismiss you,


when you try to relist, you served your time,

left to have your fun, now i'm having mine,

maybe in due time i'll stop feeling like a mime,

finally react to a girl who actually likes my sign,


now i'm trying, now i'm crying,

then i was living, now i'm slowly dying,

can't shake this memory of you, it's like i still

wish that i would ask you out and you actually will.

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