Who Says I Can't?

March 2012

Who says i can't fall in love? Treat her so right that she'll never go,
fake love for a month or so, beds already been made below,
it's been a long night in Riverdale, my mind never sleeps,
much like the city that's behind like stalkers when they creep,

who says i can't get stoned? Play some games and talk nonsense,
doesn't matter if it's all babble, it's still my nonsense,
no offense but if you can't take cents go to another,
this is my corner try running to my brother,

who says i can't stay at home? Play my guitar all alone,
text inspiration right from my phone, fill up my zone,
atone and be able to move on if it's small,
why can't i move on when i fall?

who says i can't write out all my emotions?
sending love SOS's in bottles living on the oceans,
i say i will keep going with whatever choices i make,
only if you fake it will i say it's a mistake.

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