Nothing Hurts More

November 2010

Nothing hurts more, than stuck alone waiting,
don't even know what for anymore, won't even bother with dating,
unattractive with no confidence, not worth a heart,
i'm a lazy dropout trying to get back in, i wish to always stay smart,
the wheel keeps spinning, continuously lands on foul luck,
the web of riverdale has me grounded and stuck,
wings caught in the netting, how am i supposed to fly,
when the closest i feel to myself, is when i'm my most high?

Nothing hurts more, than winning for 3 years and 8 months,
just to catch Houdini in mid act, she's pulling off all the stunts,
work where she lives, moved closer when we were together,
maybe California is more than just a thought, seems it'd do me better,
simply start fresh, creating a whole new me,
who i choose to become only time will let me see,
who i fall for next, is now completely up to fate,
i never meant to force the cards, i knew leaving was always a feminine trait.

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