What To Do

September 2020

What happens when time doesnt get you over like it's supposed to?

Sad when love has a different path then you,

What to do when every day is the same, whack,

But to go to memories that bring you back,


Quite possibly a hack, probably your doom,

Still miss that girl with the lady bug perfume,

Maybe I'll happen to lay before the sigh,

Still trying my best to forget all the color in her eyes,


Surprise, first day of spring training she has my shirt on,

Looking more Wright-eous then ever, was choosing to flirt wrong?

No need to hear dirt on her or them, what to do?

Who cares it's something less then what I thought, what's new?


Typing and deleting hey to you, flirting around

to forget you has only been dragging me down,

Maybe the pain from us kills me daily........ it doesn't, 

Simple truth is I was a lover, and then I wasn't.

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