Harsh Lessons

Everything you thought you've ever wanted 
Was everything you've always avoided 
When you thought you knew it all
You trip on a rock and fall
You thought you reached the finish line
Without a grunt or a single whine
After you scream and shout in victory 
You realize a lie was your trophy 

You pushed and fought and sacrificed 
And left pieces of yourself behind 
You stepped in untouched and unsullied
You stepped out defiled and dirtied 
Wave your arms shouting "I do not regret"
Neither did all those before you, claiming they didn't even fret

We grow and mature
Simply trying to endure 
We live and learn 
Through every memory and scar we earn 
Are we the unique individuals it spat upon, proclaimed us as deviants 
Pretending it didn't cut us, mold us, shape us, and sculpt us into ants

Author's Notes/Comments: 

More venting

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