Essay for IELTS

academic writing

Topic: Nowadays computers are being used in the classrooms. Given time there would be no role of teachers in the classrooms. To what extend do you agree or disagree.


Recent trend reveals that computers are widely used in the classrooms to facilitate the academics of the students. At this instance, some people may think that the crying need of the teachers in the classrooms may obsolete in near future. However, I humbly disagree at this point that machines or computers will not be a substitute of a teacher in different institutions for any level. 


First of all, if we look at the very beginning of our lives, we see that a child learns from the people at his surroundings. It is again a person who teaches the child who to operate the machines or computers. Learning process becomes more effective from a person to person. Renowned professor emeritus of oxford university Dr. John Miller in 1992 revealed in one of his reputed journals that, the impact of learning of a child from one to one interaction occupies almost 93% of his entirely acquired knowledge. Apart from that, a teacher from his own experience can guide a student in different directions that is not at all expected from a computer. Moreover, to prevent a student from the misuse of computer, a teacher is a best guide.


Secondly, psychological reports depicted that, dependence on more to the computers hampers the brain development of a young learner. Too much dependence on the machines only makes a person lazy and eventually inactive. Researches also revealed that if a person spends 8 hours regularly with the computer may face difficulties with their eye sight and their thinking ability will deteriorates. In addition, spending more times with computer activities may put a bad impression on a person’s social behavior.  


Finally, I would like to conclude that, the impact of a teacher in the classroom can not be neglected. Using computers can be one of the opportunities that a young learner can enjoy in the classroom but of course not a complete replacement of a knowledgeable and experienced teacher.



[323 Words]

Author's Notes/Comments: 

23rd Octo0ber 2016 (all the information used are vague! they are written for the purpose of literature and meet the essay requirements) 

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